
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
E15 - Emerging Technologies with Venture Capitalist Julian Moncada
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Episode 15 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Venture Capitalist Julian Moncada.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Julian Moncada discuss emerging technologies such as blockchain, augmented reality, virtual reality, to artificial intelligence.
“I think that is really important that if you’re a hacker or developer that you balance the excitement you have around a new technology, around a new potential problem to solve, with the opportunity in the market and building a sustainable business.”
“If you build one without the other, if you have a great business plan, or you have some amazing idea but its not feasible, technically you’re not going to get very far.”
“I also think the inverse is true, you can build amazing tech, but if you haven’t thought through the market for it, or the value proposition it offers. Whether its a market we’re use to or whether it is a completely new market that doesn’t mimic anything today, if you had to make a call on that side of your business that can be very challenging as well.” —Julian Moncada
Production and music by Derek Bernard - https://haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Version: 20241125