Monday Jan 14, 2019
E18 - Hacking The Job Market via Lambda School with Austen Allred
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Episode 18 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Austen Allred, the CEO and founder of Lambda School.
Today’s show would not be possible without Digital Ocean. Get started on DigitalOcean for free with a free $100 credit at do.co/hackernoon.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Austen Allred discuss learning programming and how Lambda School trains software engineers.
“We want to get the point where 90% of our students are hired within 90-days of graduation.”
“For us, it is very important that when you graduate from Lambda, we want to say, ‘this person has a stamp of approval they understand these 120 things, and we know that and we verified that and people stand by them.’”
“In the longterm that will matter a lot when it comes to employers and hiring. They will know what a Lambda graduate means.” — Austen Allred
Production and music by Derek Bernard - https://haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Version: 20241125