Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
E58 - IBM’s Four Pillars for Enterprise Blockchain Development with Jerry Cuomo of IBM
Episode 58 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Jerry Cuomo of IBM
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $50 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
Listen to the interview on iTunes, or Google Podcast, or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Jerry Cuomo on IBM’s open-source initiatives towards enterprise Blockchain technologies, going into the value-add of Hyperledger and Hyperledger Fabric to enterprise operations.
"These are problems that are not waiting for tomorrow to be solved.”
“There is a wonderful moment when a developer meets a business-informed person, and there is this cross-pollination that occurs where an age-old business problem. with Blockchain now as a set of tools and techniques for businesses to collaborate, provides a resolution.”
“When you see the sparkle in that founder’s eye. That, you know, ‘this has been a thorn in our side for generations’, and now we recognize it as an industry.”
— Jerry Cuomo
Production and music by Derek Bernard - https://haberdasherband.com/production
P.S. If you dig the new Hacker Noon Podcast, consider giving us a 5 star review on iTunes.
Also check out the top stories from July, the latest stories, and today’s homepage
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
E57 - Centralized, Decentralized, and Independent Media with David Smooke of Hacker Noon
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Centralized, Decentralized, and Independent Media with David Smooke of Hacker Noon
Episode 57 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with David Smooke of Hacker Noon
Sponsor:Alpaca - “Hack Financial Systems”
Listen to the interview on iTunes, or Google Podcast, or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Amber Cazzell interviews David Smooke of Hacker Noon. David shares his insights and experiences taking a startup from conception to successful business in the digital publication space. As well as the decisions that motivated the move from Medium to developing Hacker Noon’s own platform.
"The writing is on the wall that the next step for Hacker Noon is that it needs to be its own software.”
“People telling their own stories. We want to level that up by like 100x, and, the rich people deciding what stories should trend, try and slow that down.”
“Where we’re at in the landscape is we’re not trying to break news. We’re trying to get experts to amplify their voice. So when people are doing cool things in technology - research papers from Stanford for example - like that’s an interesting thing for us to republish and get very smart people who are building related things to read.”
“I think that young entrepreneurs are better off publishing something small each day than trying to spend two weeks getting into BBC or CNN or whoever their target is. How do I reduce the barriers for me to get something out each day? And each day I can share more of my story and my ideas, and that will attract more people that are interested in those ideas too.” — David Smooke
Production and music by Derek Bernard - https://haberdasherband.com/production
Host Amber Cazzell - https://www.cazzellreport.com/
P.S. If you dig the new Hacker Noon Podcast, consider giving us a 5 star review on iTunes.
Also check out the top stories from July, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
E56 - The Shortest Distance From Idea to Execution with Jim Rose of CircleCI
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Episode 56 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Jim Rose, CEO of CircleCI, platform for software teams which allows to rapidly build quality projects, at scale. CircleCI’s mission is to give people everywhere the power to build and deliver software at the speed of imagination.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $50 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
Listen to the interview on iTunes or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Jim Rose from CircleCI. You get to discover the insights of continuous delivery and automation processes and learn what it takes to automate your apps in the cloud.
“Our model has always been about developer empowerment. We've always wanted developers to use our platform irrespective of whether they're going to pay us, because we think, in a very community-oriented fashion, that a rising tide raises all the ships. The more developers can get familiar with more advanced technologies and more advanced approaches it's just good for everyone, including their consumers” — Jim Rose
Production and music by Derek Bernard - www.haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
P.S. If you dig the new Hacker Noon Podcast, consider giving us a 5 star review on iTunes.
Also check out the top stories from July, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
#CrazyTechStories @ Huckletree, London, England
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Where Hacker Noon brings you a handful of stories from the community at large.
Сrazy tech stories is part of a larger series of talks presented in association with Indeed Prime and Huckletree at Huckletree’s London location.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by Indeed Prime.
Visit https://www.indeedprime.com/hackernoon/ to flip the script on the job search and join now for access to resumé reviews, 1:1 sessions with technical career coaches, personalized work-style assessments and even negotiation tips to help seal the deal.
In this episode you get to meet Simon Woolf, developer of Ably.io, Alex Bor, tech lead of Huckletree and Anton Mozgovoy, CTO of Humaniq.
You get to discover what happens when a bug disappears or alters its behavior when one attempts to probe or isolate it from Simon Woolf of Ably.io, how Huckletree succeeds in bringing together a disruptive community of startups in London, Dublin & Manchester from its tech lead Alex Bor and why you should never do your releases on Friday from Anton Mozgovoy of Humaniq.
Listen to the talks on iTunes or watch on YouTube.
Production and music by Derek Bernard - https://haberdasherband.com/production
P.S. If you dig the new Hacker Noon Podcast, consider giving us a 5 star review on iTunes.
Also check out the top stories from July, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
The Insights of Building Decentralized Infrastructure with Jake Yocom-Piatt of Decred
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $50 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
Episode 55 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Jake Yocom-Piatt, CEO at Company 0, LLC and the Project Lead for Decred, a progressive cryptocurrency with a system of community-based governance integrated into its blockchain.
Listen to the interview on iTunes or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Jake Yocom-Piatt the Project Lead for Decred. You get to discover Decred decentralized autonomous cryptocurrency and how the company is building government systems around what they are working on and organizing themselves in both a transparent and open source kind of way.
“We're doing what we can to set a good example and try to create infrastructure which if nation states would want to use they could”.
“Here's one. What would you have instead of proof-of-stake system for US government, what if you had a system where stake was linked to the amount you've paid in taxes. To make a tax payment a virtual Both literally and in terms of your sovereignty in the system”. - Jake Yocom-Piatt
Production and music by Derek Bernard - www.haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Also check out the top stories from June, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Episode 54 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Zack Hurley Co-Founder and CEO of Indie Source, entrepreneur with experience working with private and public sector organizations in the fields of business consulting for sales and marketing strategy, operational logistics.
Listen to the interview on iTunes or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Patrick Murray interviews Zack Hurley from Indie Source. You get to discover what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur, and how to overcome the imposter syndrome while building new business.
“Living the 4 hour work week was mind blowing to me”.
“I finally understood that you don't need to spend 10 or 20 years in a corporation to be an entrepreneur and starting your own thing. You just flipped everything that I knew about what I had to do on a tech. I don't have to wait”. — Zack Hurley
Production and music by Derek Bernard - https://haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Patrick Murray
P.S. If you dig the new Hacker Noon Podcast, consider giving us a 5 star review on iTunes.
Also check out the top stories from June, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
E53 - The Journey of Entrepreneurship with Jake Goldman
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Episode 53 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Jake Goldman, founder and director of 10up, a top WordPress-centric digital agency.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $50 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
Listen to the interview on iTunes or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Jake Goldman, founder of 10up, a top WordPress-centric digital agency. You get to discover Jake’s entrepreneurial background, his career path and the projects Jake is working on today.
“To me entrepreneurism is something you happen to find yourself doing when you have a really good idea and you have some notion of the business that you want to be in. You are determined to make it successful.” — Jake Goldman
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Also check out the top stories from June, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
E52 - The Future of Centralized Internet with Mahbod Moghadam
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Episode 52 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with serial entrepreneur Mahbod Moghadam, co-founder of GENIUS and co-founder and CCO of Everipedia.
Listen to the interview on iTunes or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Mahbod Moghadam, co-founder of GENIUS and co-founder and CCO of Everipedia, wiki-based online encyclopedia. You get to discover the future of the Internet, blockchain and current projects Mahbod is working on.
"The blockchain stuff, the plan seems to be to destroy the centralized Internet. And some people in the centralized Internet seem to be showing love".
"Are they trying to co-opt this? Like the 10 million dollars question is if someone going to destroy Facebook? Or is Facebook just going to co-opt whatever someone else builds like they did with Snapchat?"
"My mission in life is to get people to come out of their privacy. You embrace digital real estate”.
— Mahbod Moghadam
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
P.S. If you dig the new Hacker Noon Podcast, consider giving us a 5 star review on iTunes.
Also check out the top stories from June, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $50 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
Episode 51 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Linh Dao Smooke, COO of Hacker Noon.
Listen to the interview on iTunes, or Google Podcast, or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Linh Dao Smooke, COO of Hacker Noon, and Chris Castig, host of the Learn How to Code podcast, discuss Hacker Noon's new trajectory from June 2019 and Hacker Noon from a community perspective. Stick around and find out more!
“Tech it's basically electricity right now. It's everywhere; it's with everything that we do. So if you have a story that is related to tech we always and only judge the story on its own merit. It doesn't matter if you've never published with us before. It doesn't matter if you've never published anywhere before.”
"We are looking at Hacker Noon content as having three niches. We have the blockchain, bitcoin, cryptocurrency people. We have the general tech, startup people. And then we have software development. Software is where we started, so it's always dear to our heart."
- Linh Dao Smooke
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Chris Castiglione - https://learn.onemonth.com/learn-to-code-podcast/
Also check out the top stories from June, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
E50 - How the Legal System Interacts with Big Tech and Data Breaches
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Episode 50 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Vinoo Varghese, a criminal defense attorney at Varghese & Associates, P.C. and a former prosecutor.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $50 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Vinoo Varghese, a criminal defense attorney and a former prosecutor. You get to discover more about the war on drugs, cannabis legalization, big tech and data as well as what exactly happened with #WikiLeaks.
“With Facebook next thing that come up they are sharing all the information with Chinese companies.”
“You've got this very interesting interplay between the criminal illegal system and the Congress trying to figure out what to do. And ultimately you actually come back to a constitutional issue.” — Vinoo Varghese
Production and music by Derek Bernard - www.haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
E49 - Quality Assurance and the Future of Society with Fred Stevens-Smith
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Episode 49 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Fred Stevens-Smith, CEO at Rainforest QA
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $50 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Fred Stevens-Smith, CEO at Rainforest QA. In it is discussed quality assurance, automation and the threat to human jobs, and the ramifications for society.
"Most people don't really have the tools to understand how software really works. So it becomes this question like whether robots going to take my job or not?" - Fred Stevens-Smith
Production and music by Derek Bernard - www.haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Episode 48 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Cheryl Contee, CEO at Do Big Things and Author of Mechanical Bull: How You Can Achieve Startup Success.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by Indeed Prime.
Visit https://www.indeedprime.com/hackernoon/ to flip the script on the job search and join now for access to resumé reviews, 1:1 sessions with technical career coaches, personalized work-style assessments and even negotiation tips to help seal the deal.
Listen to the interview on iTunes, or Google Podcast, or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Cris Beasley interviews Cheryl Contee, co-founder of social marketing software Attentive.ly at Blackbaud, the first tech startup with a black female founder on board in history to be acquired by a NASDAQ-traded company. You get to learn essential stages of successful company building and how to combine the career of entrepreneur with motherhood.
"There is no job, there is no product, there is no service that doesn't involve technology going forward in the 21 century.”
“Be yourself and find the investors who really get you especially if you don't come from a technical background, if you are a woman, if you are a minority. You might have to knock on more doors. I certainly did. I have to knock on a lot more doors to finally find those investors who really got it. ” — Cheryl Contee
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Cris Beasley - https://hackernoon.com/@crisbeasley
P.S. If you dig the new Hacker Noon Podcast, consider giving us a 5 star review on iTunes.
Also check out the top stories from June, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
Production and music by Derek Bernard - www.haberdasherband.com/production
Tuesday May 28, 2019
E47 - Building Technology that Augments Human Abilities with Amber Case
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Episode 47 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Amber Case, cyborg anthropologist, user experience designer and MIT Media Lab fellow researcher.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by Indeed Prime.
Visit https://www.indeedprime.com/hackernoon/ to flip the script on the job search and join now for access to resumé reviews, 1:1 sessions with technical career coaches, personalized work-style assessments and even negotiation tips to help seal the deal.
In this episode Cris Beasley interviews Amber Case, cyborg anthropologist, user experience designer and MIT Media Lab fellow researcher. You get to discover how technology building that augments our human ability.
“Donna Haraway is the author of "A Cyborg Manifesto". She wrote this idea about non-human allies that you’d have interspecies friendships. And that dogs, animals but also cell phones would be your not human allies. And again we don’t expect dog to act like a human, so why are we expecting AI to act like a human too?”
“ This is non-human. Whatever weird specie it is - that’s cool. It’s fundamentally it’s own thing. But let’s work with this and see what happens.” - Amber Case
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Cris Beaslay - https://hackernoon.com/@crisbeasley
P.S. If you dig the new Hacker Noon Podcast, consider giving us a 5 star review on iTunes.
Also check out the top stories from May, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Tuesday May 21, 2019
E45 - Computational Journalism: The Data Behind the Stories with Jonathan Stray
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Episode 45 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Jonathan Stray, computational journalist and researcher at Columbia Journalism School.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by Indeed Prime.
Visit https://www.indeedprime.com/hackernoon/ to flip the script on the job search and join now for access to resumé reviews, 1:1 sessions with technical career coaches, personalized work-style assessments and even negotiation tips to help seal the deal.
Listen to the interview on iTunes or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Cris Beasley interviews Jonathan Stray, computational journalist, data scientist, researcher at Columbia Journalism School and a fellow at the Institute for The Future.
You get to meet the creator of Workbench, the tool for analyzing big data without any coding experience necessary.
"I identify as a computational journalist and I tell people it's two things. It's using computational techniques to do stories and doing stories about how computation and algorithms are affecting Society.”
“One direction might be using data science for investigative journalism. And the other direction might be, for example, looking into how machine learning is being used to decide who has to stay in jail before their trial.”
— Jonathan Stray
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Cris Beasley - https://hackernoon.com/@crisbeasley
P.S. If you dig the new Hacker Noon Podcast, consider giving us a 5 star review on iTunes.
Also check out Mays top stories, the latest stories, and today’s homepage.
Thursday May 16, 2019
E44 - Is Decentralized Governance The Future of Tokenized Assets? - Andy Bromberg
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Is Decentralized Governance The Future of Tokenized Assets? - Andy Bromberg
Episode 44 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Andy Bromberg, CEO and founder of CoinList.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $50 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
Listen to the interview on iTunes, or Google Podcast, or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Andy Bromberg, CEO and founder of CoinList. You get to discover the latest happenings in the blockchain industry, the future of ICO, and where the markets are in 2019.
"It's a little bit like if in the early 90's we were trying to figure out what the best consumer product for the internet was going to be. You know we might have some ideas, but let's actually nail down some of this infrastructure first so we can actually build those consumer projects, and see them launch and have success there ... A lot of people I hear are like, 'why hasn't there been consumer adoption yet?' And the simple answer is that the pipes just aren't there, the infrastructures not there. You know, it was ok in hindsight that we didn't have games being used by a hundred million people in 1992 on the internet, and we had to spend some time building things out first."
"I'm short term bearish on the tokenized assets, "security token", subset of the space. Long term I'm incredibly bullish. I think more and more assets will move to be represented digitally on a Blockchain, but in the short term I don't quite see it. I think it's going to be a little while before we get there. A lot of infrastructure needs to built out; investor demand needs to be built up."
"A lot of the value of crypto right now has been in speculation and financial instruments, and so decentralized finance makes a lot of sense at first, but then moving to some of these other things, like decentralized governance, that seems like a natural next step as more and more people become involved."
— Andy Bromberg
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
"I think this is kind of a larger question that people sometimes approach in the wrong way"
“I am not sure that in these kinds of cases centralization is necessarily bad. I think the important question is not that it's decentralized or centralized. It’s that the potential for a monopoly is impossible.”
— Noam Levenson
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Thursday May 09, 2019
E42 - Smart Contracts on Blockchain with Will Martino and Tony Pham
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Episode 42 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Will Martino, Founder & CEO at Kadena and Tony Pham, Head of Marketing at Kadena.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $100 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
Listen to the interview on iTunes, or Google Podcast, or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Will Martino, founder and CEO at Kadena, and Tony Pham, Head of Marketing . You get to discover what they’re working on, which is a new programming language for smart contracting and scalability and use cases for enterprise blockchain solutions.
"It's all about aligning the incentives of the three core users of the platform. You have miners who want more adoption, they want a bigger network doing more transactions a second. You have users who don't want to pay high fees. They want high security, they want decentralization, they want trustlessness, they want openness, and they also don't want to pay fees. And businesses who want to know that if they start using this platform and they start congesting the network, because think Cryptokitties - it launches and Ethereum gets clogged for a week, they want to know that the network can grow to support the throughput they need because they found their product-market fit."
"Overall, where I see the whole space going, is the sharing economy - the Enterprise sharing economy. This is one where you're redefining how consumers and businesses interact."
— Will Martino
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Thursday May 02, 2019
E41 - AI and Past Rediscovery with Robert Adamson
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Episode 41 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Robert Adamson, a computer programmer and science fiction writer.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $100 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
Listen to the interview on iTunes, or Google Podcast, or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Robert Adamson, you get to discover Rob’s recent app which helps you to identify aliens and learn about ancient civilizations and how we can use AI and machine learning to rediscover our past.
“Something is not real, something about this whole reality thing is not right. And so simulated reality is a theory that we are living in the computer simulation.”
“The Earth as we know it is really simulated, some really advanced civilizations in the future could not computered in.”
“The virtual reality... we go there for whatever reason maybe to learn, to get education whatever. That is the theory of simulated reality. And it seems to answer all kinds of questions. Because you are thinking universe is data as opposed to matter in time and space.”— Robert Adamson
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
E40 - The Technology and Humanity Interface with Cris Beasley of Hack Reality
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Episode 40 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Cris Beasley of Hack Reality, a podcast that explores technology, creativity and love.
Listen to the interview on iTunes, or Google Podcast, or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Cris Beasley from Hack Reality, you get to learn about how technology interfaces with humanity, what pitfalls may occur and how technology helps to build better future for humanity.
“I am also spinning up a lab to bring together artists and technologists to create performance pieces that stretch consciousness and alter consciousness.”
“I thought a lot over the last few years of how we can be responsible technology-makers and make things that make us more even.”
“And I believe that we absolutely can transcend where we are in our current humanity. As long as we are building things that have this intent.”
“Then the question becomes how can you tell whether you are building something that is helping or hurting.” -
Cris Beasley
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
E39 - Big Data and Machine Learning with Nick Caldwell
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Episode 39 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Nick Caldwell CPO at Looker and former VP of engineering at Reddit.
Listen to the interview on iTunes, or Google Podcast, or watch on YouTube.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Nick Caldwell from Looker, you get to learn about big data, machine learning and AI.
"Modern data stores are extremely powerful. You can put tons and tons of data into them. You can query them without losing speed. And in some cases, you can even do analytics in the database. We're just seeing this trend where the data layer is becoming more and more powerful, and Looker is riding that trend."
"My favorite learning, again, was just what's going on in the data engineering space. The BigQuery to me, at that time, was just mind blowing. You dump 4-5 petabytes of data in a big data store and query it all at once. It's stunning to me. I didn't know this thing was possible. And you can do that in an affordable fashion."
"My degree was focused in Machine Learning, and I think nowadays when people ask me about that sort of formal education, I tell them, 'You probably don't need it.' You can get really, really far in Machine Learning and just focus on the practical applications of it, without having to understand the underlying Mathematics of it. I think that's a really powerful thing, that abstraction."
—Nick Caldwell
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
P.S. If you dig the new Hacker Noon Podcast, consider giving us a 5 star review on iTunes.
Also check out April top stories, the latest stories and today’s homepage.
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Episode 38 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Pariss Athena, Creator of #BlackTechTwitter & Founder of the @BTPipeline platform, a community for people of color to mentor each other and find work.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Pariss Athena, Front end Dev/RN dev, creator of #BlackTechTwitter & founder of @BTPipeline platform, a community for people of color to mentor each other and find work.
"It's scary. I even think about that for Web Development, because of things like Squarespace and Wix, where people don't even need to know how to code where they could just build their website from there. Are they going to automate that? Are people just going to be able to customize their websites exactly as need be without web developers? And it's like, okay in that case, you have to be the one to produce something like a Wix or a Squarespace ”
"I thought coding was going to be super difficult, but it's not, it's actually very artistic. Anyone can do it."
"This type of system makes people stuck. I'm trying to phrase that the way I want to say it, but you're kind of stuck. It's like, weighing your options, you're not going to get what you want, you're just choosing between what you can actually afford. It's holding everyone back, and this is why I worry for black people coming from lower income communities. Another thing is, they're not even aware that they can actually come into this industry that way. They don't know that, because they don't have exposure to it, because they don't have resources, and without resources you're just not aware. And that's the other thing that's frightening." - Pariss Athena
Production and music by Derek Bernard — http:// haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski — https://trentlapinski.com
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
E37 - Distributed Ledger Tech with David Sønstebø, Co-Founder of IOTA
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Episode 37 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with David Sønstebø of IOTA, a permission-less distributed ledger for a new economy.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean. Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $50 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews David Sønstebø, the co-founder of IOTA, you get to learn about distributed technologies, edge computing and what is happening in crypto today!
“If you look at how much computational power something like AWS or Azure Microsoft, if you look at how much they have, it sounds impressive, and I’m not saying it isn’t, but when you compare it to the idle amount of computation that exists in all the phones, all the laptops, and all the desktops around the globe it pales in comparison. With this kind of software you can unlock this decentralized AWS, so to speak, that also takes into account the edge. And then of course, your laptop, when it’s idle, you can actually make money from it.” — David Sønstebø
Production and music by Derek Bernard — haberdasherband.com/production
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
A news breaking special episode of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with criminal defense attorney Vinoo Varghese.
"Your question of is Julian Assange going to be extradited to the US? The answer is going to be yes." Vinoo Varghese, Criminal Defense Attorney
This is a special episode of the Hacker Noon Podcast. We just wrapped up an interview with criminal defense attorney, Vinoo Varghese, where we spent about 10-minutes discussing the arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Due to the timeliness of this story, we decided to release this clip from the episode. The full episode will be released in several weeks, and discusses a range of other topics.
Host: Trent Lapinski — https://trentlapinski.com http://twitter.com/trentlapinski
Music by Derek Bernard — http:// haberdasherband.com/production
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
E36 - The Future of Cloud Computing with Joshua Strebel from Pagely
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Episode 36 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Joshua Strebel, CEO of Pagely and NorthStack
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Joshua Strebel discuss serverless, cloud computing, devops, WordPress, and Joshua’s new project NorthStack.
“You talk about AI and specifically around content publishing, there’s those crazy algorithms now that you can give it a sentence and a closing and it’ll write a thousand words in between and it will be on point. You’re like ‘I couldn’t have written this any better!” — Joshua Strebel
Production and music by Derek Bernard — haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski — https://trentlapinski.com
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Episode 35 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Karim Sabba, French entrepreneur and founder of Paris Blockchain Week. https://pbwsummit.com Use code: HACKERNOON30 for 30% off.
This episode of Hacker Noon is sponsored by DigitalOcean.
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Discover why developers love DigitalOcean and get started with a free $50 credit at https://do.co/hackernoon
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Karim Sabba, French entrepreneur and founder of Paris Blockchain Week.
"I jumped into this new ecosystem where I saw returns that I had never seen in my life. And that was what caught me in. That was the bait, and it was a good bait. But afterwards I started to dive into all those projects and I remember, I don't want to name it because my apprehension of this was a bit weird, but basically I saw this project and for a long time I thought it was a scam, and maybe it is, but still they showed that you can technically be able to open bank accounts for unbanked people without them having to read or be tech-savvy. And that was my 'aha!' moment." - Karim Sabba
Production and music by Derek Bernard -https://haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
E34 - Tokenized Equity with Josh Stein from Harbor
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Episode 34 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Josh Stein of Harbor, a platform for tokenizing investments.
In this episode Trent Lapinskiinterviews Josh Stein from Harbor, a platform for tokenizing investments.
“When we tokenize these shares (using Blockchain) we’re just taking it out of the back office of the company. We’re recording the shares on this giant excel spreadsheet in the sky we call Ethereum, or Blockchain. But it’s got these great properties, which is that it’s public, so you know that if this smart contract represents shares, there’s no double counting of shares. And, you no longer have to go to the company to record the transfer of the shares. Buyer and seller can find each other digitally, they can transact digitally on the Blockchain, and in essence both of them are writing a new entry to the books of records in the company and they’re both signing it digitally.” — Josh Stein
Production and music by Derek Bernard — haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski — https://trentlapinski.com
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
E33 - Biometric Geopresence with Tarik Tali of Taliware
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Episode 33 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Tarik Tali, the CEO and founder of Taliware.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Tarik Tali meetup at Startup Grind and talk about his new biometric geopresence app now available on the App Store, and the implications of this emerging technology. Disclosure: Trent is an advisor on this project.
“We do geolocation, geopresence verification, we tether the phone to the owner, and the location where they are.”
“What we did, our system actually has a calendar, and it tracks every day separately and stores it in the cloud. All your checkins, if you go to Starbucks and purchase coffee, you checkin, and you use your Touch or FaceID and that record is kept.” — Tarik Tali
Production and music by Derek Bernard —https://haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski — https://trentlapinski.com
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
E32 - Journalism Apocalypse and Tech Trends with Christina Warren of Microsoft
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Episode 32 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Christina Warren, former journalist at Mashable and Gizmodo, who currently works for Microsoft
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Christina Warren from Microsoft, who is a former journalist from Mashable and Gizmodo. You get to learn about journalism, fake news, and what’s happening in the big tech companies.
“This is what the news media struggles with, is that people don’t trust them, even though very often the mainstream media, in my opinion, isn’t out to mislead people and push an agenda. I think most working reporters are out to report the truth.”
“Microsoft is evolving and understands that it is not the past anymore. We ultimately want to build tools that developers can use regardless of what platform you’re on.” — Christina Warren
Production and music by Derek Bernard - haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski - https://trentlapinski.com
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
E31 - Speaking Of Crypto with Shannon Grinnell
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Episode 31 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview Shannon Grinnell, host of Speaking of Crypto Podcast.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Shannon Grinnell where they discuss blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and Shannon’s background. You can also check out Trent being interviewed by Shannon on her podcast, where they discuss crypto visionaries, tech for Trump, and why Apple bites.
“I thought I would do a podcast on Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies but it ended up being more on blockchain technologies because the people that I met were really focused on building something with this really incredible technology.” — Shannon Grinnell
Music by Derek Bernard — haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski — https://trentlapinski.com
Friday Mar 15, 2019
E30 - Why is Hackernoon.com leaving Medium?
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Episode 30 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with David Smooke, CEO and founder of https://Hackernoon.com.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews David Smooke concerning the future of Hackernoon.com. They discuss some of the recent events concerning Medium, and why Hackernoon.com will eventually be moving away from Medium with the coming launch of Hacker Noon 2.0.
Music by Derek Bernard — https://haberdasherband.com/production
Host: Trent Lapinski — https://trentlapinski.com
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
E29 - The Future of Robotics Development with Eva Li of Vincross
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
"HEXA is a six-legged programmable robot.”“Our users are, but not limited to, software developers, programmers, researchers, people who are into robotics, hobbyists, and some students who are learning coding through HEXA.”“You can not just learn programming, learn robotics, also you can make it actually useful in your daily life. We offer this ideal hardware and software to make your ideas come true” — Eva Li
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Episode 28 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Wayne Chang and Gregory Rocco of Alpine Intel, a new unit within ConsenSys.
In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Wayne Chang and Gregory Rocco from Alpine Intel to discuss bringing blockchain solutions to enterprise companies.
“Alpine is a new unit within ConsenSys. We were effectively the cryptoeconomics team at Token Foundry and we found a lot of demand for our services, and basically we want to build these new economies.”—Wayne Chang
“What we look to do is engineer value rather than create speculative value. We’re personally not affected by crypto winter. As Wayne mentioned, we’re focused a lot on enterprise too and seeing where the value can be driven in enterprises.” — Gregory Rocco
“The combination of a global computer, smart contracts, tokens, all these things are going to help drive the transaction cost down of doing business, and you’re going to unlock new kinds of transactions that are going to form new markets that we couldn’t even imagine before.” — Wayne Chang
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
E27 - Building The Impossible via Business Acceleration with Cameron Chell
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Episode 27 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Cameron Chell, Chairman and Co-Founder of ICOx Innovations, and co-creator of Kodak Coin.
Today’s show would not be possible without Digital Ocean. Learn more at do.co/hackernoon.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Cameron Chell discuss bringing blockchain technology to enterprise companies we already know and trust, and what it is going to take to move from centralized systems to decentralized systems.
“Our thinking, yet to be proven, is that we go to these established brands who are already transacting in tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and they can utilize a coin or the crypto infrastructure that can either reduce their costs or increase customer attraction.”
“Ultimately, society and certainly all economics run on trust, there is no other currency other than trust. When you have a system that can replace trust or create an environment where you can transact in a trustless way, the impact globally to me is beyond measure.” — Cameron Chell
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
E26 - The Industry Interoperability of Fluree with Brian Platz
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Episode 26 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Brian Platz, Co-CEO of Fluree.
Today’s show would not be possible without Digital Ocean. Learn more at do.co/hackernoon.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Brian Platz discuss database blockchain technology and the variety of approaches to building decentralized applications.
“I think a lot starts changing when you can actually trust the data.”
“With Fluree, you can actually grab the exact version of the database that was being used for that integration at exactly 12:01 AM and 0.23 milliseconds, and you can actually see and know what was in there, figure out what broke, and fix it.” —Brian Platz
Monday Feb 11, 2019
E25 - Intelligent Investing In the Blockchain Space with Tomer Federman
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Episode 25 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Tomer Federman, CEO and founder of Federman Capital.
Today’s show would not be possible without Digital Ocean. Learn more at do.co/hackernoon.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Tomer Federman discuss why he left Facebook to start his own crypto and blockchain investment fund.
“I think this technology is truly revolutionary, is going to disrupt the financial ecosystem, and is going to have major impact across entire industries in years to come.”
“Crypto shouldn’t be about getting rich quickly. It should be about creating meaningful products that solve real world needs, and address real pain points.”
“If I’m right and blockchain is going to be so transformative, it’s obviously going to generate significant returns for investors who invest wisely. The ability for people to transact with no intermediaries involved, and for the transactions to be recorded in an open way and settled almost immediately, the opportunities for building on top of the technology is just mind blowing.” — Tomer Federman
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
E24 - Effectively Marketing Blockchain Technology with Erica Blair
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Episode 24 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Erica Blair, founder of Blockchain Branding.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Erica Blair discuss branding, messaging, and what takes to effectively market a blockchain technology company.
“I see cryptocurrencies more generally as a broad political philosophy about what it is you find important in the World.”
“Crytpocurrency is an entire governance model of saying this how decisions get made, this is how how value gets distributed.”
“We are changing the World and we’d like you to join us, oh and by the way, we’re doing it with these tools and this technology that was never available before, which is why what we're doing is so revolutionary.” — Erica Blair
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
E23 - The Live Stream Hack with Peter Yang formerly of Twitch
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Episode 23 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Peter Yang, former Product Manager at Twitch.
Today’s show would not be possible without Digital Ocean. Learn more at do.co/hackernoon.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Peter Yang discuss the live streaming market including the differences between the US and Chinese markets, video game streaming, and product management.
“Live streaming is about long form content, interactive content, content you can talk to your viewers about or talk to other streamers about.”
“It is about creating these jobs for people who might not enjoy a white collar job, or driving Uber or something, who just really enjoy playing videos.”
“Why not make a career out of playing video games? Being able to connect with other people around the country playing these video games and have a thriving career that way; I think that’s just awesome.” — Peter Yang
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
E22 - The Cannabis Conference Hack with Alex Rogers
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Episode 22 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Alex Rogers, CEO of ICBC the International Cannabis Business Conference.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Alex Rogers discuss the cannabis industry, legalization, regulations, and what is happening internationally around the World as cannabis moves out of prohibition.
“Our tech stuff is still considered fairly pedestrian in our industry, but that’s what makes it so exciting of an opportunity.”
“We see a lot of tech guys, and business guys coming into the cannabis space and they’ve seen it before, they know what is going on. It is just a simple analogy.”
“You see a lot of marriages between tech and business in the cannabis space that are creating some amazing breakthroughs and developments.” — Alex Rogers
Monday Jan 28, 2019
E21 - Hacking The Tokenization of Assets with Danny An of TrustToken
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Episode 21 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Danny An, CEO and Co-Founder of TrustToken.
Today’s show would not be possible without Digital Ocean. Learn more at do.co/hackernoon.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Danny An discuss tokenized assets, stable coins, True USD, and cryptocurrency.
“Compliance is definitely a top priority for us.”
“True USD is meant to be as regulatory compliant as possible. We recently published a stable coin code of ethics, where we said, ‘hey, here is some of the things we learned about creating a stable coin, and some of the past lessons we learned historically.’”
“We’re never actually going to prevent redemptions, because we think a stable coin is only good as its ability to redeem the underlying US dollars. We said we would never influence the price of a stable coin purposely by offering discounts. We will continue to be as regulatory compliant as possible and sustain the stable coin so it is not knocked down by miscompliance.”— Danny An
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
E20 - Hacking The Cannabis Industry via Blockchain with Sumit Mehta
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Episode 20 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Sumit Mehta, CEO and founder of Mazakali, a Cannabis Investment Banking Platform.
In this episode Trent Lapinskiand Sumit Mehta discuss the emerging cannabis industry, the science behind cannabis’s medicinal benefits, and Sumit’s new blockchain based cannabis investment platform.
“If we looked back at 1935, and if we were having this conversation then, we might find it fairly ludicrous if someone suggested that we elect a governmental body into power that would put us in cages for having a relationship with a plant.”
“When we begin to move into a World where we see all of the benefits around our lives, around our communities, around our animals, around our plants, and around our planet that this plant is going to be able to provide I am very excited and very optimistic to be a part of that future; because it is coming, and it is coming quicker then most of us are likely prepared for.” —Sumit Mehta
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
E19 - Hacking Education For The Future with Erik P.M. Vermeulen
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Episode 19 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Erik P.M. Vermeulen, Professor, Executive, and innovator.
Today’s show would not be possible without Digital Ocean. Learn more at do.co/hackernoon.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Erik P.M. Vermeulen discuss decentralization, automation, and the future of work for Millennials.
“I really believe in communities.”
“When I talk about creativity, and what I want my students to be, I want them to understand communities. I want them to be visible.’”
“Thinking about how to become visible in a community based World, and how you can actually contribute and build something with the community is something they cannot do on their own. Most of them don’t even understand it, and when we talk about education, that’s what education is about, because it is going to happen, this decentralized thing.” — Erik P.M. Vermeulen
Monday Jan 14, 2019
E18 - Hacking The Job Market via Lambda School with Austen Allred
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Episode 18 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Austen Allred, the CEO and founder of Lambda School.
Today’s show would not be possible without Digital Ocean. Get started on DigitalOcean for free with a free $100 credit at do.co/hackernoon.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Austen Allred discuss learning programming and how Lambda School trains software engineers.
“We want to get the point where 90% of our students are hired within 90-days of graduation.”
“For us, it is very important that when you graduate from Lambda, we want to say, ‘this person has a stamp of approval they understand these 120 things, and we know that and we verified that and people stand by them.’”
“In the longterm that will matter a lot when it comes to employers and hiring. They will know what a Lambda graduate means.” — Austen Allred
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
E17 - Hacking The Self with Nick Jankel
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Episode 17 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with serial entrepreneur and author Nick Seneca Jankel.
In this episode Trent Lapinskiand Nick Seneca Jankel discuss consciousness hacking, his new book Spiritual Atheist, and how to be a spiritual person without giving into religion or ideology.
“I am hacking capitalism to make a more connected World.”
“We’ve got to use this technological power, this power of business, creative power, and we’ve got to take on some big problems.”
“What is purpose? Well, purpose is like love in action. It is that love and kindness that comes out into I’m going to take on this community issue, I’m going to take on a bigger social problem then I was before. Until we can access purpose within, and keep it stable within us, that control and protect mode of a monkey will keep going ‘forget the purpose, lets make another million, that would be really cool, then we’ll be loved’.” —Nick Seneca Jankel
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
E16 - Building A Movement Through Emerging Tech with Enigma's Tor Bair
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Episode 16 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Tor Bair from Enigma.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Tor Bair discuss privacy, blockchain, the problems with the centralized tech industry, security, and data science.
“I don’t want to get too much into why truth is broken right now in the tech space, that’s a whole other can of worms, but I think we can all appreciate that it is getting harder and harder to know what is trustable.”
“The moment we start believing there is no other way, then it is just a race to the bottom. There will only be two companies in the World, and that’s if we’re lucky. There may only be one.”
“We have to be building a movement at the same time we’re building the technology. I think we need to be funding these kinds of solutions like this is the apocalypse event for the Internet.” —Tor Bair
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
E15 - Emerging Technologies with Venture Capitalist Julian Moncada
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Episode 15 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Venture Capitalist Julian Moncada.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Julian Moncada discuss emerging technologies such as blockchain, augmented reality, virtual reality, to artificial intelligence.
“I think that is really important that if you’re a hacker or developer that you balance the excitement you have around a new technology, around a new potential problem to solve, with the opportunity in the market and building a sustainable business.”
“If you build one without the other, if you have a great business plan, or you have some amazing idea but its not feasible, technically you’re not going to get very far.”
“I also think the inverse is true, you can build amazing tech, but if you haven’t thought through the market for it, or the value proposition it offers. Whether its a market we’re use to or whether it is a completely new market that doesn’t mimic anything today, if you had to make a call on that side of your business that can be very challenging as well.” —Julian Moncada
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
E14 - Blockchain and Future Tech from the Crow's Nest with Daniel Jefferies
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
Thursday Dec 06, 2018
Episode 14 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with Science Fiction author, and futurist Daniel Jeffries.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Daniel Jeffries discuss cryptocurrency, blockchain, AI, future technology, and philosophy.
“We need to stop throwing the damn baby out with the bathwater, and assume that decentralized everything just works because it’s decentralized.”
“These things that we have now, they are still in their earliest phase. We barely understand them. They are going to evolve into something so mind boggling different from what we have today.”
“We have to look to each structure, and abstract out the things that work and create new mitigation systems that solve the problems of the existing ones, and when we make the next iteration we stand on the shoulders of giants.” — Daniel Jeffries
Monday Dec 03, 2018
E13 - The VC Approach In Today's Tech Markets with Steve Schlafman
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Episode 13: An interview with venture capitalist Steve Schlafman from Primary Ventures.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Steve Schlafman discuss venture capital, leadership, executive coaching, and even mediation.
“For me I always ask myself is this an entrepreneur who that is special, talented, tenacious, and on a mission.”
“Is this someone who can go and tell a great story, inspire potential employees, investors, partners. Is this someone who people are going to gravitate towards? In a competitive hiring environment, are they going to be able to build a World class team?”
“I don’t need to see a huge amount of traction. I need to answer the question: Is there enough evidence or an unique insight that people want the product or service. I love founders that are incredibly focused on the customer. Is this someone who is just incredibly focused, and obsessed with the customer and solving their problem?”
“Is this team on a journey that is important, bold, difficult, and inspiring? In someways does it make me uncomfortable because it is hard?”— Steve Schlafman
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Hacker Noon CEO David Smooke & COO Linh Dao Smooke recently spoke at University of Colorado Boulder's Disruptive Entrepreneurship class taught by Professor & Hacker Noon contributing writer Nathan Schneider. Learn more about Hacker Noon's equity crowdfunding campaign.
"On the internet right now, there is a massive battle going on between centralization and decentralization." - David
"It's what drives us everyday: we know that people want to read more, write more and that people rally behind us when we are threatened by an external source." - Linh
"Know that the obstacles are only a day, and tomorrow will be a new day and that obstacle won't be as bad, or maybe it'll be worse and day after will be better." -David
"It's the community that decides what we're gonna' look like - therefore we think it's the best reflection of the internet." -Linh
"We're people that built a company out of iteration, and we did not intend to make one of the most popular tech blogs." - David
"How can we reflect the internet? The merits should be the story and the story itself." - Linh
Learn more about Hacker Noon's equity crowdfunding campaign.
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
E12 - Building an Effective Crypto Product with Miles Paschini from B21
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Episode 12: An interview with entrepreneur Miles Paschini from B21.
In this episode Trent Lapinski and Miles Paschini discuss what it takes to build an effective crypto product.
“In bear markets the good people go build products, and in the bull markets people speculate.”
“Once you get to critical mass, theres a lot of friction that exists between the existing banking World, and the emerging crypto payments World.”
“We’re all in, we believe that blockchain is the future. We believe that investing in the alternative asset class of crypto should be a part of people’s future portfolios. We need to get to a point as an industry where we can point to things and say, ‘hey this is a productized example where the blockchain is better’ and it is being used at scale. But, remember you’re building a community.” — Miles Paschini